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Labels we proudly distribute:

.jpeg Artefacts (AUS)

100 Fold (AUS)

Absorb (AUS)

absorb emit (DK)


All Nice Records (PT)

Amanita Gems (UA)

Ansia (IT)

AREA127 (UK)

Aronia Records (US)

Art Of Dark (UK)

ASL Singles Club (CA)

Assemblies Of God (DE)

Association Fatale (FR)

Attention Management (RU)

Axces Recordings (DK)

Baraka (FR)

Batrachian (UK)


Best Effort (AUS)

Better Together Records (AUS)

Bite (DE)

Blue Hour (DE)

Bluff Records (UK)

Brain Vortex (GE)

Brutaż (PL)


C2C (IT)

CABARET Recordings (DE)

Candomblé (DE) 

Chemistry Radio (DE)

Childhood Intelligence (DE)

Classique Records (UK)

Club Mix Records (FR)

Clut Communication (IT)

Comma Traxx (UK)

Common Ancestors (UK)

Companion (AUS)

Craigie Knowes (UK)

Criminal Justice Act Records (FR)

Dance Data (US)

Data Disk (US)

Day by Day (US)

Deep Down Space Records (IT)

Deep Water (AUS)

De Lichting (NL)

Delicate Records (CAN)

Demi-Monde (FR)

Denude (DE)


Die Orakel (DE)

Different Times (DE)

Divisi62 (ID)

Domain Records (GE)

Domesticated (DE)

Dream Software (UK)

Dzungla (NL)

Elephant Gait Music (ES)


Entered Records (AUS)

EOS Radio (DE)

Espace Noir (AUS)

Everybody Trance (FR)

Exo Recordings International (DE)

EYA Records / Lonewolf (UK)

Fast At Work (US)

FATi Records (CA)

Felt Sense Recs (AUS)

Fever AM (DE)

Fixed Rhythms (US)

Flippen Disks (NL)

Flux White (UK)

Freakadelle (AUT)

FTF Records (DE)

Gang Of Ducks (IT)

Garmo (CAN)


Goodtunes (US)

Half Grand (US)

Hard Beach Entertainment (FR)

Harmony Rec. (CZ)

Headnoiz (AUS)

Honey Badger Records (KR)

Impakto Records (ES)

INDEX:Records (DE)

Inner Zone (UK)

Interactive View Of Emotions (DE)

Intercourse (DK)

Ipso Facto Records (IT)

Isla Records (CAN)

Jamming is Life (NL)

Javi (ES)

Jin Records (TW)

JoyLift (UK)

Jugaar Records (PK/TH)

Jump Source (CA)

Kalahari Oyster Cult (BE)

Kame House (DE)

KIMCHI records (DE)

La Rama Records (CA)

Libertine Industries (DE)

Libertine Records (DE)

Libertine Traditions (DE)

Lifewater Records (DE)

Light on Earth (FR)

Linale Records (UK)

LKR Records (AUS)

Lonely Planets Rec. (NL)

Lost in Translation (BE)

Lowlife Cartel (FR)

Malka Tuti (DE)

Mana Abundance (DE)

Mephis (DE)

Merriware (AUS)

Midnight Shift Records (SG)


Mind Dance (AUS)

Mineral Cuts (BE)

Mirror Zone (NL)

Moonshoe Records (AUS)

Moontown Records (AUS)

Morbid Records (DE)

Mung Records

Mutual Response (UK)

My Own Jupiter (DE)

Nacht (BE)


Nerve Collect (NL)

NHS (Nieuw Hollands Spoor) (NL)

Night Defined Recordings (DE)

ninih (NL)

none/such (DE)

ocp (DE)

Olympos (GR)

One Eye Witness (NL/BE)

ONO Records (AUS)

On Rotation (UK)

Optic Portal (NL)

Oracle Bones (NL)

Otherminds (NL)

Øen Records (DK)

Paesaggi Records (IT)


Paper-Cuts (AUS)

Parallel Minds (CA)

Paryìa (DE)

PDG Discs (US)

Pearled Records (US)

People & Places (UK)

Petrola 80 (SE)

Piff Records (UK)

Planetary Instinct (UK)

Plata Morgana (NL)

Pleasant Life (UK)

Pleasure Club (UK)

Plush Records Inc. (DE)

Polychrome Audio (NL)

positivesource (DE)

Post Sonics (FI)

Potatoheadz (AUS)

Private Parts (UK)

Processed (EE)

Psychic Readings (UK)


Punctuality (DE)

Pure Space Recordings (AUS)

Rababoo Records (CH)

Radiant Love (DE)

re:discovery (US)

re:earth (FR)

Re Discovery (DE)

Reishi Records (NL/IT)

Return_Backspace (NL)

Revolt! (GR)

R.I.O. (DE)

Ritual Poison (UK)

Rosa (AUS)


s2i Recordings (AUS)

Seismic Rec (CZ)

Serious Trouble (DE)


Shiver (DE)

Siamese Twins (TH)

Sin Sistema (FI)

SISmo (DE)

Small Steps (BE)

Snail Editions (AUS)


Soft Raw (UK)

Sonic Interface Records (IT)

Source Material (UK)

Southern Exposure Records (AUS)

Space Dust (UK)

space lab (UK)

Space Trax (DE)

Spectral Bounce (NL)

Spincycle Records (AUS)

Spoke Snakish records (EE)

Spray (DE)

Squid Recordings (US)

Steeplejack Records (AUS)

Step Ball Chain (AUS)

Stately Records (NL)



Subplanet (CH)

Sun in Capricorn (ES)

Sunrise Inc. (DE)

Superluminal (DE)

Superlux Records (UK)

Super Utu (AUS)

Sure Thing (US)


Tech Startup (US)

Tecnologías Elementales (AR)

TemeT (FR)

Test Of Time (CA)

The Machine Dream (DE)

Theoretical Rhythms (UK)

Thoughtforms (DE)

Time Passages (DE)

Tofistock (IL)

Tonight’s Dream Records (UK)

Trance Atlantyk (PL)

Transarctica (FR)

Turnend Tapes (UK)

Turning Man (DE)

Unimatrix Zero (US)


UwU dust bath (US)

Virtual Forest Records (FR)

Versatile Records (FR)

vierundvierzig (AU)

Vimana (ES)

Visolux (FR)

Voice Notes (UK)


Warning (DE)

Wax Your Cracks (US)

WeSA Studio & Few Sounds (KR)

Whitvoir (AUS)

Woozy (IR)

XCPT Music (IT)

Yapp! (IL)

Yeyeh (NL)