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Ryan James Ford - Tungsten Portals | Blue Hour (BLUEHOUR029) - main
Ryan James Ford - Tungsten Portals | Blue Hour (BLUEHOUR029) - 1Ryan James Ford - Tungsten Portals | Blue Hour (BLUEHOUR029) - 2Ryan James Ford - Tungsten Portals | Blue Hour (BLUEHOUR029) - 3

Ryan James Ford

Tungsten Portals

Blue Hour (BLUEHOUR029)

1x Vinyl 12"

Release date: Mar 17, 2025, Germany

Ryan James Ford begins 2025 with his debut release on Blue Hour Music, "Tungsten Portals", a six-track Mini LP that reflects on the evolving tides of club music with his signature blend of techno, ambient, a breaks. Ford navigates through an artistic journey, weaving introspective, nostalgic, and optimistic themes to create a deeply personal and compelling record, forming an important addition to the Blue Hour Music catalog.

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